Oh no! The Alchemist is going to blow up his cauldron again! You need to help him get the right ingredients to him! 

Follow the recipe, look for the correct items on the shelves, fling them to the table with the catapult, distract the alchemist if he is about to put in the wrong ingredient to help him make the correct potion. Don't let him blow up the cauldron. 

A short and casual platformer challenge.

Game Design Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-MY0lmV2cC0r7oNPefgaBygTGotsBwVl-dmGX4KQK-Q/... 



There are some known bugs. Both visual ones, like the wizard robe sleeve getting undone. And things like if you catapult an item, while the alchemist tries to move it to the pedestal at the same time something will go wrong.


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Really neat idea! But I did have trouble. I didn't know how to distract the wizard as I was trying to find the right ingredients. And at times, it was hard to jump and land in the right spot due to the camera view. Nevertheless, clever idea! Good job!