Atlantis has angered the gods for far too long, and a the city is being pulled down to the depths of the sea! The only question is... will you go down with it?

Run, jump and throw your trident to grapple yourself towards enemies in this aquatic movement shooter. Break personal and world records as you figure out the movement mechanics and find shortcuts throughout the levels, and get on the live updated leaderboard!

Controls: Action - Keyboard - Controller

Move - WASD - Left joystick

Look - Mouse - Right joystick

Jump - Space - South Button

Stab/dash - Left Mouse Button - Left Trigger

Throw/Teleport (When Trident is in an enemy) - Right Mouse Button - Right Trigger

Reload level - R - Start

Settings - P - Select

Main Menu - M


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Being at the top of the leaderboard is not an achievement, but a prison you can’t escape from. It’s an endless spiral that keeps going, trying to perfect the movement down to the last minute detail.

Anyway, 10/10 would speedrun again!

Really cool game! It would be nice if the first level would be a bit longer, to give a proper introduction to all mechanics. And trident throw speed is drove me crazy a bit

Love the game, funbut challanging gameplay.
Throwing the tridant is a bit weird when comparing running and standing still but it adds another challang thought the last level feels a bit off to me, I died so often without me seeing why, I even fell out of the map a couple times.
Apart from that, good game.